離家萬里真的很想念媽媽的雞酒 (媽我好想您喔!)
這道菜就是媽媽傳授的食譜 °°媽媽很久以前就教我如何做這道菜她說我在美國想吃這時她若不在我身邊我也可以自己做來享受
(不信你看 溫妮的家)
This dish, literally you know you use “Chicken” to make it
Especially you are this far away from “Home/ Home town”, I miss my mom’s Chicken Wine dish so much! (Mom, I miss you so much!)
This recipe was taught by my mom. She taught me this one long time ago, she said in case she is not around me when I want to have this dish, I can always make it by myself.
Plus I was browsing online for people’s blog for referencing to improve design my blog
A lady uses this as her article’s title “I want to eat ginger goose sooo badly”
(It was right here,Winnie's Home)
(Ps. Fire Chicken Wine and Ginger Goose Soup are similar cooking ways. This is why I thought of Fire Chicken Wine immediately when I saw Ginger Goose Soup this word)
Just by looking at the name of the dish made me SO hungry there.
And more it motivates my thought of having a feast on this dish.
OK! I will put my mom’s recipe in use today!
I use some time to make myself a very nice night meal (A TREAT!) after the little one went down. (My husband would not want this dish)(So I can have it all for myself, yeah!)
I use lean pork for it because it is the last minute thing, my mom said it will be the same good taste as well.
先切薑片吧, 這道菜*****請用老薑喔******來煮出真正的好味道!
First, let us slice the ginger. ***please choose OLD ginger*** to make this dish for better flavor and authentic taste!
1. 熱鍋後倒入芝麻由將之燒熱
2. 油熱後加入切好的老薑
1. Heat up your pot/pan, pour in some sesame oil, and boil the sesame oil
2. Throw in all ginger in the boil sesame oil, pan fry it until the gingers are all coated by the sesame oil.
3. 看到薑變金黃色加入瘦里肌肉炒至60%熟
3. When the ginger turn to golden, throw in the sliced lean pork and pan fry it until 60% cooked
4. 倒入精神食材“台灣米酒”
4. Pour in "Taiwan Rice Wine" (Of course, it is Taiwanese style)
5. 持續攪拌所有食料
5. Stir everything in the pan continuesly..
哇 看起來好棒喔
Looking good..
6. 大火燒開後轉至中火慢燒 10-20分鐘
6. Using high fire, turn it to medium when it is boiled and then simmering for 10-20 minutes
Ready to be enjoied!
說到這道菜簡單煮是我愛吃的一道 好吃喔!
Pan fry Garlic Glass Veggie (Cabbage)
Talk about this dish, it is so simple and it is my favor one!!! Yummy
You got to eat Chicken Wine with this dish
Look at how yummy it is, hummmmmm, yummy..
Look again, a closer look..
just by looking the pictures make mommy hungry
好吧開飯吧! 這是今天的大點心!
Ok, let's eat, it's today's treat!
我知道煮菜已是雞酒ㄌ, 不過這杯是媽咪煮菜時爸爸倒給媽咪 邊煮邊品嘗放鬆神經的
*Another treat, Merlot
Daddy got mommy this one while mommy was cooking for tasting and relaxing the nerves
美麗的夜晚在完美的消夜的沐浴後安寧而恬逸的在大地裏進入夢鄉A beautiful night goes into sweet dreams after it was bathed by a perfect night meal