My pleasure of greening to a new life A new life that I and my baby created together A new life that I put effort into and brough it to this world after many hours in the labor room
My together time with my Angle while she was inside my body it had to be under your not fit maternity clothes that I did not ask for it
Because of this, I did not have the oppertunities to get my own maternity clothes and wear it while my baby was inside me
My this part of happiness had been taken away forever, forever Chemical changed I will never have a way to reserve it, and to bring it back and redo it in my way
You took it away You took it away you took it away you took it away you took it away away away away
nobody knows how bad I felt and feel
You must know, you have kids, and you are still acting not cool
You are noisy, you are evil, you hurt me, I have no one to talk to about this pain
I hate you
Back off
I do not want to hear you or see you ever If you ever want to be stupid enough of wondering why Just ask yourself would you want me/anybody does what did you do to me to you
English is not my first language does not mean I need you to open my door and invite yourself in and plan for me
Why do I need to feel sorry to express my true feeling Afriad of you'll change your feeling toward me I am not going to When it comes to the moms and her babies Every mom becomes strong And nobody is allowed to take their rights away